Mixed salad with ham

Mixed salad with ham
Mixed salad with ham 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Scrape celery of Verona then wash it and reduce it into thin slices, then into strips.

Clean the Endive and coarsely shred her/it.

Remove the artichokes more fibrous outer leaves, spuntateli in half, depriving them of any hay; Finally, divide them in segments that leave them in a bowl filled with fresh, sweet water from the juice of half a lemon.

Cut the ham strips.

In a suitable bowl stir the celery, Endive and artichokes well drained.

Sprinkle the salad with the prosciutto and bring it to the table accompanied by a sauce that you'll get blurring the mayonnaise with yoghurt.

Season the mixture with a pinch of salt, pepper and one half tablespoon of finely chopped chives.

Mix the salad on the table and spread it among the Diners that condiranno in your pot.

Mixed salad with ham

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 6 persons


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