Crostini di baccala ' and crab

Crostini di baccala ' and crab
Crostini di baccala ' and crab 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


00312 TOASTED stockfish and crab Crostini INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE: 1 cod fillet of unsalted cod (10 cm), 1 chilli, 1 hard-boiled egg, 2 tablespoons mayonnaise, 4 slices of toasted bread, olive oil, lemon juice, black pepper.

Crab Crostini: 1 box of small crab, 1/2 pickle, radishes, 8 4 tablespoons mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon of ketchup, lettuce leaves, 2 4 bread slices, lemon juice, salt and white pepper.

Toasted place the cod fillet of cod wrapped in film in the freezer for an hour to cut very fine slices without breaking them.

Put them in a bowl with olive oil and sprinkled with lemon juice, season with black pepper and let marinate the slices for 10 minutes.

Cut the chili and the boiled egg in very small pieces and mix with the mayonnaise.

Place on top of each slice of bread with a layer of dough and a few slices of salt cod.

Toasted Shredded crab the crab without cartilage.

Pickle peeled and finely chopped well tritatelo even the radishes and lettuce to cut very finely julienned.

Mix with mayonnaise and a tiny bit of lemon juice, season with salt and white pepper.

Roll over each slice of bread with this mixture.

Crostini di baccala ' and crab


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