Poulette mussels with salsa

Poulette mussels with salsa
Poulette mussels with salsa 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


00109 POULETTE MUSSELS ' SAUCE ingredients for 4 PEOPLE 1 kg of mussels, shallots, 2 75 g of butter, a spoonful of flour, salt, pepper, an egg yolk, chervil, 15 cl of milk (optional), an onion, a bunch of parsley.

Thoroughly wash the mussels under cold water and use a small brush to clean the shells; also remove the filaments attached to shells.

Clean the onions, cut in 4.

In a pan with non-stick coating pour a drizzle of olive oil and let them find the quarter onion over high heat, stirring with a wooden spoon to prevent onion becoming black.

Add the mussels and the previously washed and chopped parsley.

Cook until the mussels will not be open (remove and discard those that absolutely do not open).

Strain the broth.

Clean the shallots and chop finely.

In a saucepan melt the butter and add the chopped sclogni and let Brown 5/6 minutes fresh focus stirring.

Pour the flour and stir briskly making sure that no lumps are formed.

Pour the cooking of mussels and mix.

If sauce is not enough, add the milk and stir thoroughly.

Continue to mix gently.

Let thicken the sauce stirring.

Remove from heat, let cool and stir the egg yolk.

Add salt and pepper.

Well open the mussels and clams were left in one of the two halves of the shell.

Place them in a radial pattern in individual dishes (12 if they are big or little, if 18 per person).

Gently Nappate the mussels with the prepared sauce and, if in the meantime it is a bit wrinkled, paddate the dish under the grill in the oven for a few minutes.

Garnish with Chervil and serve.

Poulette mussels with salsa


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