Tortiglioni with pudding eggs

Tortiglioni with pudding eggs
Tortiglioni with pudding eggs 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


01463 TORTIGLIONI PUDDING with EGGS INGREDIENTS for 6 PERSONS 500 g tortiglioni pasta type, 4 tablespoons olive oil, 1/2 onion, 1 stalk of celery, 1 kg of ripe tomatoes from 150 g of gravy, frozen peas, 4 whole eggs, 120 g of mortadella into one slice, 100 g of spicy sausage from Naples, 200 g of mozzarella, 6 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese, 1 sprig of basil, 3 tablespoons coarse salt, 1 pinch of salt.

For the mold: 20 g butter, 4 tablespoons of breadcrumbs.

PROCEDURE boil 2 litres of water in a pot.

Wash the tomatoes, time 2 minutes in boiling water, drain, remove the peel and cut them into large chunks.

Peel the onion, remove the filaments to celery, wash the vegetables and cut them into pieces.

Put the tomatoes and vegetables in a pan, salted with a pinch of salt and add the washed Basil sprig.

Place on medium heat, then take the boil, lower the heat and put a lid leaving a small window.

Cook 30 minutes and passed to Mashers.

Heat the oil in the same pan in which you cooked the tomatoes, join the past and the still frozen peas, Cook over low heat and pan covered for another 10 minutes.

Skinned and mortadella sausage, cut into 1/2 cubes, bring to a boil in a pot 3 l of salt water with 3 tablespoons coarse salt and bake for 11 minutes, the tortiglioni (keep a little al dente).

Drain, rimetteteli in the cooking pot and toss with half the sauce and half Parmesan cheese mixing well.

1 l of boiled water in a saucepan and gently slide the eggs.

You can use the pasta cooking water still warm: take less time to come to a boil.

Cook the eggs for 8 minutes, cool them under cold water and Peel by holding them under the tap.

Cut into 3 mm thick round slices.

Heat the oven to 170°, grease the mould, (with hinged opening edge of 22 cm in diameter and 10 cm in height), spolverizzatelo with the breadcrumbs trying to form an even layer on the bottom on the edge.

Placed on the bottom with a layer of pasta, pour over a thin layer of sauce and spolverizzatelo with a little Parmesan.

Spread on slices of mozzarella and egg, cubes of mortadella and sausage.

Cover with other tortiglioni, toss in the same way, continue alternating pasta and salad dressing until exhaustion and ending with a layer of noodles.

Finish covering the dough with a thin layer of sauce and spolverizzandola with a tablespoon of Parmesan cheese.

Bake the mold and bake for 20 minutes.

Raise the oven temperature to 180°, Cook 10 more minutes, remove the Pan from the oven and let rest for 10 minutes the pudding.

Place the Bowl on a serving dish, open the hinged edge and pull.

Operate carefully trying not to deform the flan: use the blade of a knife to remove the dough from the edges without creasing.


Tortiglioni with pudding eggs


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