Puffed bread and mozzarella

Puffed bread and mozzarella
Puffed bread and mozzarella 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


BLOWN 01155 bread and MOZZARELLA INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE a pack of bread from 10 or 12 slices; two eggs; a quarter of milk; Salt; two large Buffalo mozzarella; 60 g butter; a jar of anchovy fillets in oil; Stack the slices of bread and deprive of the crust.

Shelled eggs in a large bowl and slowly lower and diluitele with milk, beating with a wire whisk; then flavour with a generous pinch of salt.

Cut the mozzarella into slices not too thin.

With 10 g of butter grease bottom and sides of a baking dish of the format you prefer (and rather large, rectangular or round and with high walls).

Dip the slices of bread, one at a time, in egg mixture and milk, let it soften slightly, then strizzatele gently with your hands and place them in the buttered baking dish; continue the operation until they have softened the slices to cover the bottom of the container.

Arrange the bread some slices of mozzarella and cutlery on each slice a fillet of alice.

Repeat the layers in the same order; If you have used a large baking dish and low enough to sort them, if you have chosen a small vessel and obviously the number of layers increases.

Sprayed all over with the remaining butter, previously melted and passed the dish in a hot oven, 200 ›; Cook for 15-blown 20 minutes so that they inflate and take on a golden colour.

Serve immediately, piping hot.

Puffed bread and mozzarella


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