Pâté of foie gras in jelly

Pâté of foie gras in jelly
Pâté of foie gras in jelly 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


01033 pâté of LIVER IN GELATIN INGREDIENTS 4 PEOPLE 350 g chicken livers; 250 g of Goose liver (or veal); 1 onion; 150 g butter; 2 tablespoons oil; 100 g of lean Bacon; 100 g of fat from ham; 1 glass of porto; salt and pepper; broth; 2 or 3 tablespoons of brandy; 50 g powdered gelatine (or tablets) Clean PROCESS very accurately the livers, freeing them from gall, then cut them into small pieces (or in half if they are small).

Also the chopped Goose liver (or veal).

Slice onion into rings and put to dry in a large pan with 30 g of butter and oil, being careful to not take color (to prevent this keep very low flame).

Meanwhile cut the pancetta into small dice (without rind) and ham fat; then add them to the onion mixture and gently toast them.

Add the pieces of liver and let these too browned fresh focus; then sprayed and let evaporate fairly lively focus.

Add salt and pepper.

Squirt finally with a ladle of broth and let it dry to open flame.

At this point the cooked liver passes everything meat grinder: fitted with a small hole, repeating the operation two or three times to get a Pasty compound.

Whip cream the butter, using a fork or a wooden spoon, and embed the past, mixing everything very carefully until mixture is smooth and perfectly linked, that will be a light brown color.

Add two to three tablespoons of brandy and add salt, if necessary.

Prepare now, gelatin dissolve over heat the dust (or tablets) in a liter of water; allow it to cool down (be careful, though, to not become too dense, in this case only a moment you will set on fire), then pour a layer into a mold from Pate with grooves.

Fill the mold in the freezer (or in the cooler of the refrigerator) so that the layer of gelatin to solidify quickly.

Got this purpose, take the mold and fill it with Pate, leveling the surface and leaving a space around around a finger.

Beat lightly the mold on the table to deal well the mixture and then pour other gelatine, up to fill the space left around the walls and cover the surface of Pate.

If you advance of gelatin, let it consolidate aside, then chop finely: the use as a garnish, placing it on the sides of the Pate, into the pot.

Fill the mold in the fridge and leave it for at least 6-7 hours.

At the right moment, riprendetelo, immerse it for a few moments in a basin of warm water (this will favour the release of Pate) and turn it upside down on a serving platter oval or rectangular, tapering the Pate, which shall serve cut into slices.

Pâté of foie gras in jelly


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