Risotto alla milanese to jump

Risotto alla milanese to jump
Risotto alla milanese to jump 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


02325 RISOTTO ALLA MILANESE to JUMP 4 PERSONS INGREDIENTS 200 g risotto alla milanese, 40 g of butter.

You get doing stir-fry the risotto alla milanese, but it's a delicious dish in itself and not very easy to do.

Spread the rice in a thin sheet, about 1 cm long and knock it with a spoon to make it compact and pareggiatelo well.

In a cast iron pan or pan of the same diameter of the rice cake, heat 20 g of butter to make it red, let slip the rice and allow to cook over a live flame, often shaking the Pan so it will not stick.

Patty then flipping upside down on a plate.

Put in a pan other 20 g butter, let it turn red and put the Patty to cook the other side until it forms a golden crust.

Remove from the Pan and serve.

If you wish, you can add them to risotto, at the beginning of the recipe, two tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese.

Risotto alla milanese to jump


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