Rigatoni with artichoke

Rigatoni with artichoke
Rigatoni with artichoke 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


RIGATONI with ARTICHOKE 03525 INGREDIENTS 4 PEOPLE 350 g of pasta rigatoni, type 6 artichoke hearts, 1 lemon, 1 clove of garlic, extra virgin olive oil, vegetable broth, parsley, grated Parmesan cheese, salt and pepper.

CASE Clean the artichokes, cut them into wedges and time in water acidulated with lemon juice.

Drain well and tamponateli with kitchen paper.

In a saucepan, sauté the garlic in 5 tablespoons of olive oil.

Add the artichokes and let them FRY for 5 minutes, mixing them with a wooden spoon.

Continue cooking, pour the occurrence, any ladle of broth.

Add salt and pepper.

When cooked, mix in a tablespoon of chopped parsley.

Cook the rigatoni in boiling salted water.

Al dente drain and pour into the saucepan where rests the artichoke sauce.

Stir over heat for 1 minute, turn off, sprinkled with grated Parmesan cheese and serve immediately.

Rigatoni with artichoke


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