Pork tenderloin stuffed

Pork tenderloin stuffed
Pork tenderloin stuffed 5 1 Stefano Moraschini



Pork fillet in a single slice, 100 g walnuts, 100 g of dates, 2 ripe tomatoes, a carrot, a stick of celery, one onion, one tablespoon of cornstarch, a glass of white wine, 2 knurled nuts, thyme, Rosemary, salt and pepper, olive oil.

Lay the steak on a cutting board and place a row of walnuts and dates, add salt and pepper, wrap the meat and veal with kitchen Twine.

Place in a greased baking sheet with oil.

Clean and cut into cubes the carrot, the onion, tomatoes and celery, cover the fillet, flavoured with herbs and salt, sprinkled with wine and a glass of water, the nut and cook in the oven for 40 minutes at 160ø.

Turning the meat and wetting it with the sauce.

When cooked remove the tenderloin and baking sauce combined with cornstarch diluted in a little broth, with the help of a blender to puree inmmersione till you get the desired consistency, add more broth if necessary.

Cut the fillet into slices, place in serving dish and nappatele with the sauce.

Served hot.

Pork tenderloin stuffed


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