Pizza with fresh tomatoes

Pizza with fresh tomatoes
Pizza with fresh tomatoes 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


10424 PIZZA with FRESH TOMATOES INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE for the dough: 500 g of wheat flour, 25 g yeast, 1 tray of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of salt and water, 200 g of tomato sauce, fresh tomatoes 4 (cluster ones) or 6 cherry tomatoes, mozzarella, olive oil 3.

Sift the flour and arrange in fontana on the countertop, dissolve yeast and salt in a glass of lukewarm water and add the oil tray.

Gradually pour the liquid in the center of the fountain of flour mixing with fingers the dough until it is smooth and elastic.

Formed into a ball and put a rise in a floured container for at least one hour in warm place.

Flour the work surface, roll out the dough and divide into four baking pans well oiled.

Spread evenly in the four trays, the tomato sauce, sliced mozzarella, sliced tomatoes, salt and a little oil.

Put in the oven, previously heated, for fifteen or twenty minutes at 200°

Pizza with fresh tomatoes


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