Ricotta parfait and brandy plum

Ricotta parfait and brandy plum
Ricotta parfait and brandy plum 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


RICOTTA PARFAIT 2_17267 PLUM BRANDY and INGREDIENTS for 6 PERSONS 500 g Roman ricotta cheese, 3 eggs, 150 g sugar, 200 g ladyfingers, 6 tablespoons brandy, 10 g gelatine in sheets, a glass of cream, a packet of Vanillin, 500 g Red Plums, 2 tablespoons powdered sugar.

Preparation: 25 minutes cooking time: 5 minutes: 60 minutes Easy Grease the hinge opening edge of a pan (22 cm in diameter) and place it on a serving dish for take it off better, when the cake is ready, place inside, at the bottom, the ladyfingers in a single layer (some spezzettatene not to leave empty spaces).

In a saucepan boil for 10 minutes, a glass of water with 3 tablespoons sugar and vanilla; Add 5 tablespoons of brandy.

Brush this on biscuits, syrup without wet too, then place in the refrigerator until complete.

You soften the gelatin sheets in cold water.

In a bowl Beat egg yolks and granulated sugar remained, with the electric mixer, add the ricotta, little at a time, always fitting with the whip at minimum speed.

Heat the cream and mix in unboiled, off the heat, well squeezed gelatin; Add to the cream cheese 1 tablespoon brandy and cream cooled but not yet consolidated.

Mix with electric mixer at minimum speed.

Pour the ricotta cream over ladyfingers, stir with the back of a spoon and put the sweet in the refrigerator at least 60 minutes.

Wash the plums, dry, cut them in half lengthwise and remove the core.

Charged on each half plum skin, some not-too-deep cuts and slightly allargateli.

Open the rim of the Pan, pull from sweet, place half the surface of the sweet plums, unpeeled upwards.

Sprinkle with icing sugar dropped with a strainer and serve.

Ricotta parfait and brandy plum


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