Blini with carrot jam

Blini with carrot jam
Blini with carrot jam 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


17760 BLINI with CARROT JAM (Blini? s morkovnim vorcniem) INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 500 g carrots, 100 g of apricots, 500 g sugar, 3 cloves 20 g of raisins, 50 g of butter.

For blini: 150 g of flour, 100 g of Saracen flour, 1/2 l of milk, 4 eggs, butter.

Preparation and cooking time: 1 hour Fix: minimal Prepared first blini batter: in a bowl add the two flours capable passing them through a sieve.

Arrange a fountain and, at the Center, pour the milk you have done cool, add the eggs and mix the ingredients until you get a very smooth and homogeneous.

Cover and allow to rest for 1 hour.

Put the raisins to soak in warm water.

Check and scrape the carrots, cut into thin slices and scottatele in boiling water.

Wash the apricots and deprive of the kernel.

In a saucepan melt the butter before spumeggi join the carrots, raisins and apricots cut in half.

Spiced with cloves, then add sugar, bathed with a glass of water, stir and cook on low heat for about 10 minutes.

Turn off and let cool.

Prepared blinis: in a pan melt a knob of butter, pour a ladle of batter and, as soon as ben Golden, turn and gilds it on the other side.

Proceed in this manner until the dough, keeping warm blinis as they are ready.

Enlarged blinis on worktop cannoli and carrot jam by.

Distributed then in individual dishes, decorate with the cooking jam and serve.

CARROT JAM For 3 Kg of jam: 1 Kg of carrots, young, holding, cut into strips, 1 1/2 Kg of sugar, 3 or 4 lemons, zest, juice filtered.

In a saucepan or enamelled Tin have a layer of carrots.

Cover with a little sugar and lemon zest and sprinkle lemon juice.

Continue alternating these layers, until you finish with a layer of sugar.

Cover stream of water.

Cover the casserole and simmer for 4 hours at very slow fire.

When the Marmalade has thickened, pour into jars and cover.

Blini with carrot jam


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