Crunchy ice cream with orange sauce

Crunchy ice cream with orange sauce
Crunchy ice cream with orange sauce 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


2_17450 CRISPY ICE CREAM with Orange SAUCE INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 100 g of wholemeal bread, 50 g sugar, 50 g of white sugar, 50 g butter, 100 ml, 200 ml whisky of whipped cream, 2 eggs, To compost: 3 oranges, 50 g of sugar, 150 ml of orange juice.

In a bowl mix the egg yolks with sugar until creamy.

Add the Whiskey, cream and carefully add the whites mounted to snow.

Then place in the refrigerator for one hour.

Cut up the bread into pieces and sprinkled them with butter and brown sugar put them in a small frying pan and Brown for 10 minutes till you get a crispy crust.

Let them cool.

Stir the pieces of bread with cream prepared in precedence and beat vigorously, pour into a container and place in the freezer until it becomes cream.

For the Compote: wash and Peel an orange surface, then finely chop the zest, then separate the slices without skin and keep them.

Caramelize sugar, pour the orange juice and cook until the caramel is dissolved, add the chopped Orange peelings and follow cooking until the liquid has reduced by half.

Pour hot over the orange wedges and let it rest for an hour.

Remove ice cream from freezer 30 minutes before serving, and the last time cover with compost

Crunchy ice cream with orange sauce


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