Crusted partridge terrine

Crusted partridge terrine
Crusted partridge terrine 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


PARTRIDGE TERRINE 01646 CRUST INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE a box of puff pastry are ready, a dsossata, Partridge 250 g mushrooms, 200 ml of cream, 50 ml, 4 large leaves of cabbage, 3 eggs, 2 2 shallots, leeks, carrot, oil, salt, pepper, cloves, wash the Partridge, dry with kitchen paper and place in a bowl, add the port, a few grains of pepper, 2 cloves and let marinate for 3 or 4 hours.

Clean the carrots and leeks and cut them into cubes.

In a saucepan heat 2 tablespoons olive oil and saute the cubes of carrot and Leek until slightly Golden.

Clean mushrooms by wiping them with a damp paper towel to remove any parts earthy and slice them up along with the shallots.

Fry them together in a pan with a little oil.

Blanched for 3 minutes in salted boiling water the leaves of cabbage, then put them under the Jet of water to cool.

Beat the eggs, flavour with salt and pepper and pour the cream.

Mix well and without ceasing to stir add the cubes of carrot and leek and the fried mushrooms and shallots.

Preheat oven to 220° drain the Partridge and cut it into small pieces.

Distribute the meat to the center of each cabbage leaf, roll them up and made 4 spring rolls.

Rectangular mould covered with puff pastry and place the rolls on the bottom, uniote the mixture to vegetables forming a well levelled and cover the surface with the puff pastry.

Press the edges with your fingers to make it adhere well and bake for 55 minutes.

To make the shiny surface you can spennellarla with a beaten egg.

When cooked, put the Terrine and serve in slices.

Crusted partridge terrine


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