Risotto with cheese and herbs

Risotto with cheese and herbs
Risotto with cheese and herbs 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


02637 RISOTTO with CHEESE and HERBS INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 300 g of rice, a box of cream, 150 ml white wine, a nut, 60 g of fresh Pecorino shavings, 60 g of grated Parmesan, 60 g of Gorgonzola, a small onion, one tablespoon of chopped herbs (parsley, basil, chives), 50 g of buttersalt and pepper melt the nut in a litre of boiling water.

Peel, chop the onion and let it dry in a saucepan with half of the butter, add the rice, stir and let it toast for a few minutes.

Sprayed with the wine and let evaporate high flame.

Pour the broth and mix thoroughly, then add more broth when that previously paid will be absorbed.

Continue in this way for about 15 minutes to complete cooking the rice, then add the cream, three kinds of cheese and herbs.

Stir vigorously and add salt and pepper.

Finally, stir the rice with the butter and serve immediately decorated with tufts of parsley.

Risotto with cheese and herbs


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