Tomato and corn soup (zuppa di pomodori e mais)

Tomato and corn soup (zuppa di pomodori e mais)
Tomato and corn soup (zuppa di pomodori e mais) 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


04767 TOMATO SOUP and corn Ingredients 400 g of fresh ripe tomatoes, a glass of broth of meat, a package of corn in grain, an onion, a clove of garlic, a speciality bread, 4 tablespoons of cream, a few leaves of basil, salt, sugar and pepper.

Thoroughly wash the tomatoes, cut them into cubes.

Peel the garlic and crushing with the Palm of your hand.

Wash the onion and cut it into chunks.

Arabic bread soaked with meat broth and place it in the mug of a robot.

Add the prepared vegetables previously incorporated the corn, leaving a few tablespoons for the final seal, and blend until obtaining a smooth and homogeneous cream.

Season with pepper and a spoonful of sugar and blend again for a few seconds.

Add salt and stir.

Place the cream into individual plates with a spoonful of whipped cream and some grain of corn.

Keep it in the refrigerator until serving.

Tomato and corn soup (zuppa di pomodori e mais)


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