Beet salad and quail eggs

Beet salad and quail eggs
Beet salad and quail eggs 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


08565 DIbarbabietole SALAD and QUAIL EGGS INGREDIENTS for 4 PERSONS 8 quail eggs, 200 g 2 endives, red dibarbabietole, 100 g mixed young salad, 16 Walnut kernels.

For the sauce: 3 tablespoons orange juice, 2 tablespoons horseradish sauce, 2 tablespoons walnut oil, 3 tablespoons of olive oil, salt and pepper.

Prepare the sauce: beat the orange juice and horseradish sauce, then incorporated the two types of olive oil, add salt and pepper and keep aside at room temperature.

Place quail eggs in a pot with salted water, bring to a boil and keep it for 30 seconds, then remove from heat and cool the eggs under cold water.

Let cool, then Peel and cut them in half.

Rinse the Endive, remove the first and leaves the base and finely affettatela.

Drain lebarbabietole, remove the base, Peel (if necessary) and cut them into small pieces.

Spread over 4 dishes the Endive salad and then lebarbabietole; Garnish each plate with 4 walnuts and some means quail egg, sprayed with the sauce and serve immediately.

Beet salad and quail eggs


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