Prawn skewers with tabule and chive sauce

Prawn skewers with tabule and chive sauce
Prawn skewers with tabule and chive sauce 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


3_07100 COUSCOUS with SHRIMP KEBABS INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 20 already cleaned shrimp headless, 250 g of bulgur, 40 g of sultanas, a bunch of spring onions, a yellow pepper 2 ripe tomatoes, but firm, 6 mint leaves, 2 tablespoons minced cilantro, 6 tablespoons chopped parsley juice of 3 lemons, 15 cl of olive oil, 12 pitted black olives, salt, black pepper.

Rinse the shrimp under running water, then tamponateli with kitchen paper.

Scaladte 5 cl in a pan with oil and then let them skip the shrimp 5 minutes.

Savoury Pies.

Then stick each shrimp skewer 5 and keep them warm.

Rinse the bulgur under running water and drain thoroughly.

Pour it in a pot with 30 cl of salted cold water.

Bring to a boil, cover and let stand 5 minutes and inflate away from fire.

Pour into a strainer lined with a linen cloth and slightly so as to remove more liquid as possible.

Leave to cool in a bowl, by shelling it with the tines of a fork.

You soak the raisins in warm water for 10 minutes.

Wash spring onions, remove the green part and mince finely.

Clean the peppers, remove the seeds and pith, and cut into cubes.

Wash tomatoes, cut into wedges and remove their seeds and the vegetation water, then cut the flesh into cubes.

Pour the bulgur in a large bowl and again sgranatelo with a fork.

Aggiungtee streaks cut Mint, coriander, parsley, lemon juice, 10 cl of olive oil, paprika, raisins well drained, sliced olives, green onions, tomatoes, salt and pepper.

Mix thoroughly all ingredients, cover with plastic and let rest in refrigerator for at least 2 hours, stirring often.

Arrange on rectangular 4 a bed of couscous and lay over each one skewer.


Prawn skewers with tabule and chive sauce


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