Belgian endive soup with crispy ham

Belgian endive soup with crispy ham
Belgian endive soup with crispy ham 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


2_04150 BELGIAN ENDIVE SOUP with CRISPY HAM INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 500 grams of Belgian Endive, 100 g of ham cut often, 100 g of mascarpone cheese, olive oil, 100 g of potatoes, chopped onion, a l chicken stock, salt, pepper, 4 sprigs of parsley, nutmeg, some Laurel leaf.

Wash the Endive, drain and cut into rings, keeping aside 70 g for decoration; Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into pieces.

In a saucepan heat the oil and Brown the onion; Add the Endive and stufatela a few minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon.

Add the potatoes, pour in the broth, add the Bay leaves and bring to a boil, then cooking.

Meanwhile, cut the slices of ham into squares (3 cm X 3 cm) and fry them in olive oil until it will be crunchy.

When cooked, pass the soup blender.

Put on the heat, season with salt, grated nutmeg and, if necessary, let it reduce.

Divide the boiling cream into individual bowls, and garnish each with a dollop of mascarpone and a handful of raw Endive.

Decorate with a sprig of parsley and serve immediately.

Belgian endive soup with crispy ham


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