Pudding with eggs and tomatoes with herbs

Pudding with eggs and tomatoes with herbs
Pudding with eggs and tomatoes with herbs 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


01735 EGGS FIT in TOMATO SAUCE INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE one package of dough ready and spread brisègià, 8 eggs, tomatoes, 2 2 tablespoons chopped herbs, olive oil, salt, pepper Unroll the dough brisèsul work surface and roll out the dough lightly with a rolling pin.

Wash the tomatoes thoroughly, dry them and cut them to make 8 wedges.

Dispononetele on several occasions in a small Nonstick Skillet and let them jump 2 minutes with a tablespoon of oil.

Savoury Pies.

Heat the oven to 200° Unroll the dough brisèsul work surface and roll out the dough into a thin pastry with a rolling pin.

Coppatela with a round pasta cutter with a diameter of about 10 cm: deovrete draw 8 circles.

Coated with the circles of the small previously buttered flan moulds: Please adhere to the dough at the base and on the edges.

Inside each stencil break an egg and season with salt and pepper.

Cover each with a slice of tomato and sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Bake in hot oven for about 18 minutes.

When cooked, remove from oven, let cool a minute and serve.

Pudding with eggs and tomatoes with herbs


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