Bismark beef tartare with arugula

Bismark beef tartare with arugula
Bismark beef tartare with arugula 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


3_06028 BEEF TARTARE to BISMARCK with ROCKET INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 100 g rucola, 600 g of fillet of beef, onion, 50 g capers, caper fruit for garnish, 4 egg yolks, 4 slices of toasted bread, Herbed Butter, a tablespoon of chopped parsley, salt, black pepper, a tablespoon of Ketchup Clean onionFinely chop finely, and place it on paper towels to absorb all the liquid; chop the capers With a large knife, very sharp, DAB the meat up to reduce it into pieces, then put it in a bowl.

Mix the ground beef with the onion, capers, chopped parsley, salt and pepper.

Add the ketchup sauce and stir well.

Spread the arugula in the plates forming a bed for tartare, that you will have at the center of each plate with the help of a pastry cutter.

Press the center of the tartare with a spoon into a small bowl and add the egg yolk.

Serve immediately with toast and butter.

Bismark beef tartare with arugula


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