Crepes with vegetables and tofu

Crepes with vegetables and tofu
Crepes with vegetables and tofu 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Take a fairly liquid batter of flour, a pinch of salt and mineral water or beer.

Keep the dough a couple of hours in the fridge, pour it upon spoonfuls in a pan with a drizzle of hot oil (which reintegrerete when necessary).

Use a spatula to turn them over so that both sides Cook.

The crepes are like pancakes: require expert hand and are especially good as much if they do.

For the filling, use of beets (previously blanched) and tofu passed to Mashers.

Then FRY them in oil, add the grated carrot, salted and seasoned with aromatic herbs.

Crepes with vegetables and tofu

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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