Crisps to pine nuts

Crisps to pine nuts
Crisps to pine nuts 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


The first thing to do is scald the pine nuts, then immerse them for a few minutes in boiling water and then cut them roughly and then toasting it slightly in the oven already warm.

Meanwhile, in a pan, let it melt and caramelize the sugar and add the lemon juice and pine nuts, stirring carefully.

Do this by holding the flame very low to prevent the caramel color too and has a burnt flavor.

Place the mixture on a marble slab that you previously oiled and level it by giving it the desired height and before it hardens, cut with a knife (also anointed with oil) into small pieces that you will leave to cool for about 20 minutes.

Only then, i.


when they are well cool, put them in tins or glass jars with lids and keep them first and cover with aluminium paper.

Trick: If you want to enjoy softer, crispy treats soon after dissolved sugar, a small amount of butter.

Crisps to pine nuts

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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