Meatballs in thuringia

Meatballs in thuringia
Meatballs in thuringia 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Peel 1000 g potatoes and use directly in a container with cold water so that the potatoes do not blacken.

Then dry the potatoes with a cloth.

Peel the rest of the potatoes and cut them into dice.

Cook the potatoes over low heat along with the grated potatoes and stir continuously until well.

Boil the potatoes, add all the raw potato dough and salt.

Cut the bread into small pieces and FRY in melted butter until golden tone.

Form meatballs with potato dough and fill them with small pieces of bread.

In a large pot boil salted water and add the desired amount of meatballs.

Cook for about 20 minutes.

Remove the dumplings with a skimmer and put them in a container that has been placed a saucer down to drain the meatballs and because they do not stick.

Can be an ideal side dish of beef stew with vegetables.

Meatballs in thuringia

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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