Sarde a beccaficu to palermo

Sarde a beccaficu to palermo
Sarde a beccaficu to palermo 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Squamate sardines with a knife or with a special tool, holding them under water, then clean it.

Open them in half on the side of the abdomen, leaving her on the back: with a slight finger pressure remove the fishbones with attached head and viscera, wash again, dry them on absorbent paper.

You can put them to soak in vinegar for a few hours, if you prefer to remove a little of the strong flavor of pilchards.

Wash the raisins and let it soak in lukewarm water for about ten minutes.

Put the onion in a pan with a spoon of oil and a few tablespoons of broth.

Add salt and cook for 10 minutes on low heat, taking care that do not take color and wetting it with hot broth.

When the onion is softened and has absorbed most of the liquid, add the raisins, drained, squeezed and dried, pine nuts and let flavour for a few minutes.

In a small frying pan, preferably non-stick surface put the breadcrumbs (minus a tablespoon) and toast it stirring continuously.

Add to the onion sauce, remove from heat, let cool, add the cheese, seasoned with two tablespoons of olive oil and add salt.

4) aligned on the work surface the sardines well de-boned dry with the inside facing up.

Salt them lightly, put the filling and roll them up on themselves starting at the head and finish with the tail.

Arrange in a baking dish greased with oil close to each other to prevent prevent unraveling and a roulade, insert a bay leaf.

You can also attach each roulade with a toothpick.

Sprinkle with the breadcrumbs kept aside, sprayed with a little oil and transferred the baking tray in the oven already warm to 180 degrees.

Simmer from a minimum of 10 minutes to a maximum of 20 depending on the size of pilchards.

Serve hot or warm.

Sarde a beccaficu to palermo

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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