Scrambled eggs (3)

Scrambled eggs (3)
Scrambled eggs (3) 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Break the eggs into a bowl.

You can also optionally break up directly in the Pan, but with this feature, you can remove any shell fragments.

Beat them with a fork, for about a minute.

You have to get a fairly homogeneous, consistency with the whites and yolks thoroughly mixed together.

Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Counted about one teaspoon of salt to satin.

As for the pepper, used preferably white pepper or, if you prefer, omettetelo.

Combine 6 tablespoons water and beat a little more to build it well.

You can also use milk instead of water, the final result changes little: it will be just a bit more rich and creamy.

Heat a non-stick pan to low heat, preferably a heat diffuser.

You can also place the bottom of the Pan in a water bath if you don't have a fairly moderate fire.

Let melt the butter and pour in the batter.

Jump-start mix with a wooden spoon and always keep the fire at a minimum.

Keep on stirring floor, without whisking not over-cool the eggs for about 10 minutes.

Many are needed to get the scrambled eggs to perfection.

The end result: a thick cream, without hard fragments, fairly homogeneous.

You can serve it or enrich them with a handful of grated cheese.

How to serve: a breakfast or brunch (simply in a bowl with toasted bread); with asparagus: let a while back, that is hardly more liquid, and add plenty of grated Parmesan; in the emptied shells: an impressive appetizer, instead of breaking eggs cut a Calotte.

svuotateli, rinse very well and serve them in egg cups, filled with scrambled eggs and other ingredients of your choice (chopped herbs, smoked salmon, asparagus tips, etc).

Scrambled eggs (3)

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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