Sweet and sour shrimp with rice

Sweet and sour shrimp with rice
Sweet and sour shrimp with rice 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


02417 and SOUR SHRIMP with RICE INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 300 g basmati rice, 12 small courgettes with flower, 1/2 teaspoon peppercorns, code 12 not too large shrimp, 1/2 dl of white wine vinegar, 1 egg, 120 g flour, salt, pepper, 20 g olive oil, oil for frying.

For the sauce: 2 tablespoons of ketchup, 1 teaspoon sugar, satin 1 tablespoon vinegar, 1 tablespoon of sherry, salt, pepper, Tabasco sauce.

Prepare the zucchini to the agro: remove the flowers and cut the courgettes in thin slices.

Put them in a bowl and add the peppercorns.

Heat the vinegar with 1 dl of water and a little salt and when it boils, pour over Zucchini.

Cover the bowl and let marinate until it is completely cooled.

Boil the rice in boiling salted water and drain it al dente.

Cool under cold running water for a minute and let it drain well.

Meanwhile, prepare a batter: put the egg yolk in a bowl and add 1, 2 dl of cold water.

Add half of the flour without mixing much: it doesn't matter if the batter is not entirely homogeneous.

Passed clean flowers and shrimp tails in the remaining flour, then into batter.

Fry the whole thing in two or three time until the outside is lightly golden.

Prepare the sauce by mixing all ingredients and, if necessary, diluted with a little cold water.

Put the rice in a bowl and season with salt, pepper and olive oil.

Add drained Zucchini, flowers and fried shrimp and hot and crispy and served with the sauce separately.

Sweet and sour shrimp with rice


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