Melon with fruit salad and skewers

Melon with fruit salad and skewers
Melon with fruit salad and skewers 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


20332 MELON with MACEDONIA and SKEWERED INGREDIENTS for 8 PERSONS already stretched pastry, melon 1, 300 g strawberries, 300 g of kiwi, 300 g small apricots, 3 tablespoons granulated sugar, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 2 tablespoons milk, 1 sprig of mint, 60 g of whipped cream, spray 2 tablespoons powdered sugar, 2 tablespoons flour for processing.

Preparation: 40 minutes cooking time: 12 minutes difficulty: medium cut the dough into 4 strips of 7 cm in height and made from each strip some triangles.

Wrap each triangle onto itself, leaving outside the Summit.

Place small croissants on a plate lined with parchment paper, cover it with a cloth dipped in flour and let them rest for 60 minutes in a warm place.

Heat the oven to 220°, moisten slightly with the surface of the milk, croissants and place the plate in the oven.

Bake the cookies for 12 minutes; check often, after the first 5 minutes, the surface of the cake does not become too dark.

Remove the plate from the oven and let cool.

Disconnect the croissants with the blade of a knife.

Wash the melon rind and dry, cut at the base of the fruit, a small slice with a flat cutting, trying not to damage the pulp.

In this way, the melon will stay straight when you will support.

Also cut a cover on the opposite side at the base and keep it aside.

Remove the seeds inside the melon and remove the flesh with a knife, leaving attached to 1 cm zest.

Divide the meat into cubes of 1, 5 cm.

Wash the strawberries, apricots, split them in half and remove the core.

Strawberry left the green leaves.

Keep 1/4 part of the dice of melon, 1/3 of kiwi and nuts 1/3 of apricots and strawberries.

Place all the other fruit in a bowl.

Sprinkle with granulated sugar and lemon juice, wash the mint leaves and dry them with kitchen paper.

Left whole and chopped leaves 5 other hands.

Add the chopped leaves to the fruit and let it rest for 20 minutes in the refrigerator.

Fill the melon rind with macedonia prepared and keep it in the refrigerator until serving.

Stick on wooden skewers croissants, alternating with the fruit not used for macedonia.

Put the skewers on melon shell by hand, spolverizzateli with the icing sugar, causing him to fall from a thick-meshed strainer.

Formed with whipped a cordon on the edge of the melon rind, settle the whole mint leaves grouped into a single point.

Lean over the canopy with pierced skewers, making sure that mint leaves protrude outside.

Serve immediately.

Melon with fruit salad and skewers


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