Monkfish with mashed the beans and aioli

Monkfish with mashed the beans and aioli
Monkfish with mashed the beans and aioli 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


07979 MONKFISH with mashed The AIOLI? INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE A monkfish chunks, a box of mashed potatoes, 500 g broad beans already clean, 200 ml milk, 100 ml oil, an egg, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 tablespoons paprika, 20 g butter, pepper, oil, salt.

Preheat oven to 200° Salted pieces of monkfish, tie together with kitchen Twine and FRY in a little oil.

Let cool and remove the wire.

Prepare mashed potatoes very often with a glass of water, 200 ml milk and butter; savoury pies.

Stir in mashed the egg, olive oil and the garlic.

Arrange the monkfish pieces on a baking sheet and cover with mashed potatoes using a pastry syringe with nozzle curled to give the shape you prefer.

Sprinkle with paprika and gratinate in the oven.

Meanwhile, Saute another clove of garlic in a little oil; Add the beans, a pinch of salt; continue cooking, adding a glass of lukewarm water.

Cook the beans about 30 minutes.

Before the end of cooking sprinkle with paprika.

When cooked, place on serving dish, the monkfish slices and serve with the beans.

Monkfish with mashed the beans and aioli


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