Mostarda di cremona, honey, quince

Mostarda di cremona, honey, quince
Mostarda di cremona, honey, quince 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


23268 MOSTARDA DI CREMONA, honey, QUINCE MOSTARDA DI CREMONA INGREDIENTS 800 g mixed slightly unripe fruit (pears, apples, apricots, figs, prunes), 400 g sugar, 10 drops of essence of mustard.

Cut the fruit into small pieces, removing the stones where present.

Put the fruit in sugar to macerate for 24 hours.

Then bring to a boil and let boil for 5 minutes.

Let stand for 24 hours and repeat the process 2 more times; never cover the container because the drops work irredeemably steam preparation.

Add the mustard and pour into airtight containers.

QUINCE INGREDIENTS 3 kg ripe quince, 2 kg of white sugar.

Wash and clean from leaves and petioles of the quinces, then put them on the stove in a saucepan on high edges very capable and cover with water.

Bring to the boil and continue cooking until the skin starts to split and fork to penetrate easily into the flesh.

Drain apples and let them cool.

Then Peel and cut into pieces, removing the cores and any damaged parts.

Pesatele, place them in the pot and add equal weight of sugar.

Bring to the boil on moderate flame, without lid, stirring often.

From boil Cook the compost for another 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Let cool, then pour in jars with hermetic seal: place the pots in fresh environments.

Mostarda di cremona, honey, quince


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