Souffle ' rosemary with apple ice cream

Souffle ' rosemary with apple ice cream
Souffle ' rosemary with apple ice cream 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


2_17930 SOUFFLE ' ROSEMARY with APPLE ICE CREAM INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE, 4 apples 4 scoops of vanilla ice cream, biscuit type 4 digestive, 3 egg whites, 1/2 lemon, a tablespoon of sugar, a tablespoon of butter, a sprig of Rosemary.

Peel the apples, cut them into quarters and place them in a saucepan with the lemon juice, Rosemary, butter and sugar: Cook with sweet focus cover until apples are very tender.

Remove from heat, remove the Rosemary and crushed apples with a fork until a puree and leave to cool.

Coarsely chopped cookies and suddivideteli on the bottom of 4 bowls for baking.

Snow firmly mounted egg whites, blend the Apple puree and stir with a wooden spoon.

Pour the mixture into the bowls and cook in a Bain-Marie already hot for about I usually put 10 minutes.

When cooked, remove from oven and let cool.

When serving, garnish with a scoop of ice cream and a sprig of Rosemary.


Souffle ' rosemary with apple ice cream


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