
Lollipops 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


The ingredients are for about 8-10 lollipops.

Use special sticks (or wooden skewers to which you cut the tip) pick up a marble floor and ungetelo lightly with a little oil.

If you find it difficult, you can use a baking sheet or a large baking dish.

Please note that we shall pour the hot caramel: are therefore to exclude both the plastic cutting boards (might melt) and wooden (is porous).

Pour sugar into a pan at the bottom often and join the syrup and the lemon juice filtered.

Add 2 tablespoons of water and stir.

Remove any traces of sugar from the walls of the pot by a wet brush.

Heat over medium heat without stirring.

Simmer for a few minutes and check the cooking, pouring a few drops of caramel into a bowl of cold water.

Take the cooled syrup drips from the water bowl and mash between your fingers: If you have reached the right consistency, you will have to split like glass.

If it remained just a little soft or elastic, meaning that you will have to continue for a little cooking.

Check out the caramel when it is ready, spoon and let it pour on the marble.

Infilateci inside the stick (if necessary, secure it with a few drops of syrup).


Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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