Trout mousse with truffles

Trout mousse with truffles
Trout mousse with truffles 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Good Trout Fillet discarding even the thinnest bones.

With all the scraps, leek, carrot, salt and 250 g of water, make a fish stock.

Just strain it keeping apart ready 200 g for the mousse.

Put soaked in cold water the isinglass.

Chop the leeks and place it in a saucepan with the trout fillets, 15 g of leaf, truffle salt, pepper, wine and fish stock.

Cook covered moderatissimo focus for 5 minutes.

Remove the fillets and in already cooking them on the fire, add the isinglass squeezed, minding that melt well.

Whisk the gelatin and frozen fillets; Let cool until mixture will begin to pull.

Fully lined bottom and edges, rectangular molds 3 300 ml capacity with the plastic wrap and with the slices of salmon evenly distributed, by arranging everything so it even overlap.

Whip the cream to the mixture very firm mixing then when it begins to thicken, pulling; then add 15 g chopped truffle not too finely, a pizzichino of salt and pepper.

Divide the mousse between the molds; cover with the salmon and the film, folding inwards, then passed in refrigerator for 4 hours.

Serve the sliced mousse garnished with sliced truffles.

Trout mousse with truffles

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 12 persons


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