Stuffed zucchini arabic

Stuffed zucchini arabic
Stuffed zucchini arabic 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Put rice in abundant water and salt (must stand half an hour).

Remove one end to squash and scoop out, leaving only a thin casing.

Keep the ' caps ' and also some washer, which will serve to cover the peppers.

Drain the peppers, removing the stem and seeds, and leaving only the hole around the stalk.

Knead the rice, drained, chopped meat (beef), chili powder and ground cloves.

The dose we used was of 300 g for a kilo of rice, enough to fill about 15 large Zucchini and a couple of peppers.

Fill Zucchini and peppers with the mixture and cover with the vegetable caps, eventually took over via a piece (the caps will fit, but should not close perfectly, so you let go the broth).

Place at the bottom of a large pot some bones from the broth (from the cover).

Arrange Zucchini and peppers in the Pan, over the bones, with the openings upwards.

Cover with water and tomato (2/3 water and 1/3 of tomato paste); Add garlic (one clove, cut into pieces not too small, every three Zucchini) and Mint.

Crush everything in the pot with a pot, put on the heat and let simmer very slowly for half an hour.

Drain the zucchini, open them in half in dishes, pour the filling with a mestolata cooking broth.

Advanced stock may very well serve as an excellent soup with fried bread croutons.

Stuffed zucchini arabic

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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