Soup with beignets roebuck

Soup with beignets roebuck
Soup with beignets roebuck 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


In a saucepan bring water to a boil with the butter and a pinch of salt.

Add the flour in one fell swoop and stir continuously until the mixture detaches from the walls of the vessel and sailing.

Let it cool, then add the eggs, one at a time.

Place the dough in a cloth pouch with a smooth nozzle No.

5 and formed many piles well spaced between them, on greased oven plate with a knob of butter.

Brush the beaten egg yolks with the cream puffs and cook in the oven at 200 degrees for about 15 minutes, so that they are puffy and Golden well, then remove and let cool.

Prepare the stuffing: cut the meat into pieces of venison and shake slowly adding 6 cl of cream.

Season the mixture with salt and ground pepper, a pass through a fine sieve and place back in the bowl, then add the whipped cream.

Stuffed fritters with prepared mixture, making it out of a pocket of fabric with smooth nozzle No.


Insert the spout sideways, so that the cream puffs may swell again, then toss them in the oven for another 10 minutes.

Do heat the bottom into a pot, divide it into eight individual plates along with the cream puffs and serve.

Soup with beignets roebuck

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 8 persons


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