Orecchiette with cuttlefish and peas

Orecchiette with cuttlefish and peas
Orecchiette with cuttlefish and peas 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


2_03220 ORECCHIETTE with CUTTLEFISH and peas INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 400 g of orecchiette, 300 g of cuttlefish media thickness a small onion, a clove of garlic 300 g ripe tomatoes 3 tablespoons olive oil 4 teaspoons chopped parsley a scant Cup of dry white wine salt pepper 300 g fresh peas, shelled already Cleaned cuttlefish; spellatele, deprive of flat bone, eyes and beak, remove the tentacles with the innards and discard them, along with bags of ink. Washed well and cut into rings bags of 1 cm. wide. Peel the onion and the garlic and mince them separately. Dip the tomatoes in boiling water, then Peel, seed give (to make this operation easier, cut the tomatoes in half and spremeteli) and mash with a fork. You heat the oil in a saucepan and add the onions to wilt; When this will be transparent (keep the flame low so that the onion does not browned), add the garlic, half of the parsley and wine. Let the wine evaporate, then add the cuttlefish. Add salt and pepper, cover the Pan and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. After this time, add the tomatoes and cook for another 15 minutes. Add the peas and finish baking in covered container (for cooking peas will take 15-20 minutes). Meanwhile, Cook in boiling salted water for orecchiette time indicated on the packet, drain, pour into a serving bowl and add the cuttlefish. Mix well and serve immediately.

Orecchiette with cuttlefish and peas


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