Tronchetti verdi robiola with artichokes

Tronchetti verdi robiola with artichokes
Tronchetti verdi robiola with artichokes 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


2_03366 GREEN to TRONCHETTI ROBIOLA with ARTICHOKES INGREDIENTS for 6 PERSONS 250 g of fresh goat cheese type Robiola di Roccaverano, 50 g of Asiago stravecchio (or Sbriz or Parmesan) cheese, 2 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, 30 g butter, nutmeg, salt, pepper, artichoke 3, oil for frying.

For the dough: 250 g flour, 50 g of spinach (frozen), 3 eggs, 1 tablespoon oil, salt.

Preparing a Cooking time 10-15 minutes.

Boil spinach in salted water, drain and strizzateli well, so with the help of a Crescent mince finely.

On the countertop place the flour, shelled eggs in the Center, add the spinach, teaspoon of olive oil and a pinch of salt, and knead well until obtaining a smooth and elastic dough.

Appallottolatela and wrap it in plastic wrap.

Let stand.

In a bowl mix the goat cheese with that cheese (minus 4 tablespoons), 2 tablespoons oil, a rub of nutmeg, salt and pepper.

You have to get a spreadable cream: if not ammorbiditela with a little milk or cream.

Roll out the dough with the machine in very thin strips of width of 12 cm, then cut of 15 cm long rectangles, and boil them a few at a time in boiling salted water for 2-3 minutes.

Drain them, your on a towel and dry and cover with another towel.

Spread rectangles of dough with the cheese mixture and roll them up tight about themselves from shortest forming rolls that then cut diagonally to shoes.

Place the shoes in a buttered ovenproof dish well, spolverizzateli with the remaining grated cheese, spread the butter on the surface remained in tassels and passed in the oven at 180° for 10-15 minutes till it will be au gratin.

Meanwhile, clean the artichokes, cut into very thin slices in a frying pan and fry them in plenty of hot oil, drain on absorbent kitchen paper and serve the shoes lying on a bed of artichoke slices.

Tronchetti verdi robiola with artichokes


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