Skewers of meat and fish

Skewers of meat and fish
Skewers of meat and fish 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


X06004 meat and fish KEBABS INGREDIENTS for 4 PERSONS 200 g of salmon, 1 monkfish, shrimp, cuttlefish 12 12, 200 g of calf pulp, 1 piece of sausage, 1 leek, 1 courgette, 2 peppers, 150 g of bacon, 2 tablespoons mixed chopped herbs (basil, parsley, thyme, fennel), a glass of olive oil, salt, pepper.

Shelled shrimps PROCEDURE: removed before the heads, then carve the belly side armour and allargatela with your fingers to remove the pulp.

Cubed salmon, monkfish veal meat, sausage and bacon.

Wash the cuttlefish.

Wash the leek and zucchini and cut into slices.

Wash the peppers, cut them in half and various privatel of piccioli and then cut them into cubes.

Now prepare the skewers, alternating ingredients.

Mix in a bowl with the herbs, oil, salt and copious prea freshly ground pepper.

Put the skewers in a large dish and brush again with the aromatic sauce, then place on the grill turning often and brushing with remaining dressing.

Serve very hot.

Skewers of meat and fish


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