Ostrich pinwheels

Ostrich pinwheels
Ostrich pinwheels 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


6 PEOPLE INGREDIENTS 600 g ostrich meat steaks, 500 g Endive groat, already 140 g cooked ham, 120 g Zucchini 120 g of carrots.

For the sauce: 150 g of soy sauce, 3 teaspoons rice vinegar, the tuft of parsley.

PROCEEDINGS brought to boil 500 g water, meanwhile, cut carrots and Zucchini into sticks.

Beat the meat into thin slices and add salt.

Arrange on slices, layered, Zucchini, carrots and ham, roll them up, 3 rolls of each slice and stop it with a toothpick.

Place the rolls in the first session of the steamer basket, cover them with the Endive.

When the water boils, place the basket and cook for about 15 minutes.

When cooking place the Endive in a serving dish and arrange in the center of the ostrich pinwheels.

Chop the parsley, then add the soy sauce and rice vinegar, Cook for a few minutes.

Serve the pinwheels and endive dressed with this sauce.

Ostrich pinwheels


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