Polenta and pork

Polenta and pork
Polenta and pork 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


10531 POLENTA and pork INGREDIENTS 4 PEOPLE one onion, one clove of garlic, 2 Bay leaves, 50 g of bacon, 40 g butter, pork eight pins, a pint and a quart of water, salt and pepper, a glass of red wine and a tomato paste, 200 g sausage, 350 g of cornmeal.

Time: about an hour and thirty minutes RUN TIME: medium-easy PROCEDURE finely chop the onion and the garlic and bay leaf.

Separately, chop the bacon.

Put the chopped prepared in a saucepan with the butter and let Cook gently.

Then add the pork pins, whole or cut in half, and let them cook well.

Meanwhile, fire place in pot or in a pan, salt water for polenta.

When the meat is browned, add salt, pepatela and add the red wine, which will evaporate.

Then pour on tomato puree ingredients.

Stir and cook for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally and taking fire.

Spent the time indicated, add the peeled and split sausage into small pieces.

Mix all ingredients well, then cook for another 20 minutes, combining, if necessary a bit of hot water.

Meanwhile the water for polenta will come to a boil: pour the rain cornmeal, stirring to prevent lumps from forming and bake for 45-50 minutes, without ceasing to stir.

After cooking, turn the polenta on a large heated platter; then, with a wet spoon, press it in the Center forming a recess in which you put the sauce of pork.

Serve immediately.

Polenta and pork


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