Tomato coriander jelly

Tomato coriander jelly
Tomato coriander jelly 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


INGREDIENTS for 4 PEOPLE 1 garlic clove, a red pepper, a bunch of fresh coriander, 2 sprigs of parsley, 10 cl of olive oil, 750 g ripe tomatoes, 2 sheets of gelatine, salt and pepper, for garnish: diced tomatoes and cilantro Peel the garlic; clean and chop the chili; clean, remove the leaves, wash and dry cilantro and parsley.

Pour all ingredients into a blender, add the oil and whisk.

Blanch the tomatoes, give them skin and seeds, toss them to the mixer until obtaining a fine puree.

You soak the gelatin sheets for 10 minutes in cold water.

Heat two tablespoons of tomato puree, and mix in gelatin squeezed and gently add the rest of the puree.

Season with salt and pepper, then add the cilantro sauce, mix well.

Divide the preparation into four bowls and refrigerate for at least three hours.

Serve very cold, decorating with tomato cubes and a leaf of cilantro.

Tomato coriander jelly


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