Crispy thai chicken baskets

Crispy thai chicken baskets
Crispy thai chicken baskets 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


CRISPY CHICKEN BASKETS 00857 THAI ingredients for 40 pieces: 2 chicken breasts, 10 sheets of pasta brick anointed with vegetable oil, 100 g of Chinese cabbage cut into strips, a small grated carrot, finely chopped onions, 3 novels, 2 tablespoons toasted sesame seeds, 80 ml of peanut oil, one tablespoon of white vinegar, one tablespoon of brown sugar, a tablespoon of light soy sauce, a teaspoon of sesame oil, a clove of crushed garlic Boiled chicken, then strain it, then let it rest for 10 minutes.

Then cut it into strips.

Preheat oven at medium temperature; grease small individual moulds 40.

With a round pasta cutter with a diameter of 7, 5 cm, cut forty circles in dough and molds lined with them.

Bake and cook 7 minutes at medium oven until the pastry is golden.

Let stand 2 minutes into the mold, then remove from the shape, place the baskets on a grill and let cool.

In a bowl, prepare the dressing, mixing all ingredients.

In a bowl, mix chicken, cabbage, carrot, onions, sesame seeds, sprinkled with seasoning and mix well.

When serving, gently spread the preparation in baskets and serve immediately.

Crispy thai chicken baskets


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