Buche de noel

Buche de noel
Buche de noel 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Prepare a Pan by Spain for stuffed rolls and a cream to butter by following the instructions in the corresponding recipe, then stir in the cream and cocoa powder.

Spread on sponge Spain half the cream, then roll it.

Put the rest of the cream in a pastry bag with a star nozzle (No.

4) and formed on the surface of many parallel cords booties, lengthwise, so covering it completely.

Replace the nozzle to star with a smooth and small and make some decorations with the cream.

Complete the gasket with the leaves made of almond paste and the meringue mushrooms, or decorate the cake in another way, according to your imagination suggests you.

---The trunk of Christmas is a Christmas cake typical of French gastronomy, of which there are many versions.

The base of the cake is always the same, namely a '' trunk '' of Spain loaf stuffed with creamy lemon butter, what varies is the flavor of the filling, which can be chocolate, coffee or hazelnut, and decoration, which leaves room for the imagination of the chef.

We have opted for almond paste leaves and meringue mushrooms.

Buche de noel

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 8 persons


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