Pizza with tomatoes, arugula and tuna

Pizza with tomatoes, arugula and tuna
Pizza with tomatoes, arugula and tuna 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


10460 PIZZA with TOMATO, tuna and ROCKET SALAD INGREDIENTS for 4 PERSONS 250 g of dough for pizza, 4 tomatoes, a bunch of Arugula, an onion, a can of tinned tuna, olive oil, salt.

Roll out the pastry and place it in a baking sheet previously well oiled.

Wash and cut the tomatoes into wedges, clean the onion and cut it into slices, spread all over the surface, oil sprayed, salted and put in the oven, pre-heated to 190ø, 20 minutes for 15?.

Once distributed on pizza cooked tinned tuna, drained and broken up, and the arugula, washed and sliced.

Pizza with tomatoes, arugula and tuna


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