Potatoes with frankfurters

Potatoes with frankfurters
Potatoes with frankfurters 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


13122 POTATOES to FRANKFURTERS 4 PERSONS INGREDIENTS a pack of Golden Smoked Wuber, 700 g of potatoes new, 2 cloves of garlic, some Rosemary, butter, salt, pepper.

Preparation time: 15 minutes PROCEDURE Boil the potatoes in boiling water and retire about half-cooked.

Peel and thickly thick slices about half a centimetre.

In a pan gently fry the garlic and butter before it browned pour the potatoes.

Let stand for a few minutes to open flame and then add washers cut wusterl and Rosemary shredded.

Adjust salt and season with freshly ground pepper.

Withdrawn by the fire when the potatoes are cooked to perfection.

Potatoes with frankfurters


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