Genoese pesto salad of butterflies

Genoese pesto salad of butterflies
Genoese pesto salad of butterflies 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


If you are using frozen fish, Cook without defrosting, rising 2-3 of the cooking time.

Boil the pasta in salted water, then drain, dress with a little olive oil and allargatela on a plate, leaving it to cool a little.

Meanwhile, bring to the boil 1/2 liter of water with lemon juice, sliced onion and some sprig of parsley.

Soak the hake fillets and cook 7 minutes.

Remove the fish, sfaldatelo with your hands and put it in a bowl.

Skinned tomatoes discarded seeds and coarsely chopped the pulp.

Sliced olives.

Chop the parsley and pepper.

Mix the fish with tomatoes, olives and herbs, seasoned with salt, lemon juice and remaining 3 tablespoons oil.

Pour fish and toppings on the dough, mix well and serve immediately.

Genoese pesto salad of butterflies

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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