Pasta with Onions (Pasta con Le Cipolle)

Pasta with Onions (Pasta con Le Cipolle)
Pasta with Onions (Pasta con Le Cipolle) 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Finely slice the onion and let it dry very slowly in a pan that can contain pasta then.

At the same time you put on a stove a pan in which you've made dissolve from 1/2 to a nut according to the taste.

When the onions are wilted (Pan incoperchiata) proceed to wet them, occasionally with nut water persisted Meanwhile in boiling.

When the onions are perfectly cooked and defeats like cremina, pour the red wine and let it dry but not too much.

Throw the pasta (Fusilli or similar type) into the boiling water and cook them al dente.

Pour into the pan with the cream of onions, sprinkle of Parmesan, abundant stir quickly to heat and serve the dish hot.

Pasta with onions (pasta con le cipolle)

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 2 persons


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