Pomegranate syrup

Pomegranate syrup
Pomegranate syrup 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Put 100 g to macerate of pulp of seeds in 300 g of alcohol to 60 ' and add at the end of 500 g of simple sugar syrup prepared separately.

It must be drank dissolved in water.

---Such as cedar, Orange and pumpkin, pomegranate, fruit with many seeds, is a symbol of fertility and numerous progeny, therefore also of love.

It was sacred to Juno (wife of Jupiter) and Venus (Goddess of love), in ancient Greece.

While Roman brides used to weave in her hair pomegranate branches.

This symbology also confirms the Asian tradition, where open the pomegranate represents abundance and good wishes.

In fact, a popular Vietnamese legend tells that the pomegranate opens in two and leaves come cent kids '.

Of Indian origin is the belief that the juice of this fruit fight infertility.

In Christian Mysticism this symbolism is enriched with spiritual significance, to consider the fruit, and its seeds, an expression of divine perfection and the depiction of the Church itself.

Today the pomegranate is no longer popular as in the past, when its fruits and flowers were also used for ornamental purposes, to decorate the tables and the food, even meat dishes.

Children still rejoices to its fruits, which are fun and festive, with those red beans to shell.

Yet the pomegranate had every reason for deserving greater consideration: it gives rich fruits and benefits, containing vitamin A and vitamin b.

reported as unusual dessert and for the preparation of tasty jellies and fermented drinks, the pomegranate is also tasty as thirst-quenching drink: the granitina, a syrup that you get squeezing the berries.

' Punica Granatum ' is the scientific name of the pomegranate.

Described by the Latin writer Pliny gives fruit among the most prized by the Romans, who had imported from Africa.

Originally from Persia, then spread both in the Mediterranean and in the far East.

It also grows in the wild.

Given the grace of sapling and the beauty of its vermilion flowers '-'--as he wrote the poet Carducci---it is often cultivated for ornamental purposes in gardens and on the terraces in warmer regions.

Its stem is very branchy, with tapered plugs and leaves.

The fruit, which ripen in September, are large, covered with a leathery rind, and contain numerous fleshy red beans, separated by a membrane.

There are also dwarf varieties to grow in pots: their fruits remain small and do not reach maturity but are very decorative.

In antiquity, it was held in high esteem for its therapeutic properties.

The prescribed against the solitary worm the great Greek physician Dioscorides: roots, but also flowers, fruit and bark of young twigs, contain ' pellieterina and isopellieterina ', particularly active against tapeworms.

The fruit also contains abundant tannin, which has astringent properties.

In addition Wormer, the pomegranate is refreshing, diuretic and tonic.

Pomegranate syrup

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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