The Langa rabbit (3)

The Langa rabbit (3)
The Langa rabbit (3) 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Scrape mushrooms and ammollateli in warm water; then dry them and slice them up.

In a saucepan put the rabbit pieces, washed and dried, and saute it in flame, why leave their water; When they are dry, remove them and put the margarine; imbionditelo, add the chopped vegetables, let them dry, put the rabbit.

Just wet, with half of the evaporatelo wine over high heat, add the mushrooms, season, add salt and pepper, pour the remaining wine and the concentrated dissolved in a tbsp of hot water.

Close and bring to low heat cooking.

The langa rabbit (3)

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 4 persons


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