Tomatoes and zucchini au gratin

Tomatoes and zucchini au gratin
Tomatoes and zucchini au gratin 5 1 Stefano Moraschini


Wash the tomatoes, dry and cut them into slices of medium thickness, eliminating at the same time the bulk of the seeds and water.

Put a couple of tablespoons of olive oil in a large casserole, heat, then line the bottom, tomatoes in a single layer, sprinkle the pretzels, pepateli slightly and let them cook 3-4 minutes per side.

Then, remove the tomatoes from heat and keep warm on a plate.

Put in casserole and two tablespoons of olive oil and fry the courgettes, Peel and cut into rings, for 5-6 minutes in moderate heat, then sprinkle them with salt, a ground pepper and finely chopped Basil.

After that, take a dish of suitable size and move the bottom tomato slices without overlap, in order to obtain a compact layer; put over the zucchini slices, sprinkle with the bread crumbs, seasoned surface with the rest of the oil and go in the oven already warm (200 degrees) for 10 minutes, or just enough to make good preparation.

Remove the baking dish from the oven, let stand at room temperature for a few minutes and then serve.

Tomatoes and zucchini au gratin

Calories calculation

Calories amount per person:


Ingredients and dosing for 6 persons


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